jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015

Mediterráneo TV entrevista al Teniente General Comas

Mediterráneo TV entrevista al Teniente General Rafael Comas, máximo responsable del Cuartel General Terrestre de Alta Disponibilidad de la Alianza Atlántica.

El Cuartel estará al mando de la organización del Ejercicio Trident Juncture del próximo otoño en Zaragoza, el más importante despliegue militar de la OTAN desde el fin de la guerra fría.
Tras este ejercicio, en 2016, la base de Bétera será la única de la Alianza preparada para hacer un despliegue de un centro de mando en 48 horas y en cualquier parte del mundo.

lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013

Objetivos Clave a tener en mente cuando pones el contador a cero. Idea original de Ignacio Villoch

A Culture Vulture serendipitously sailing uncharted waters in the Innovation archipielago. Swimming with sharks and dinning with Fine Young Cannibals and other BeachBoys downunder.

1): When in Rome, do as romans do ;
2) Let´s make it F4: Firm & Friendly & Fun & Functional;
3) K.I.S.S. Rule: Keep It Simple & Stupid ;
4) Emotions lead to motion, and motion brings emotions, ;
5) Trust people & (most of the times) they will demonstrate they deserve it.;
6) Treat everyone as you would like to be treated.;
7) when in doubt, smile.;
8) There are many ways to climb up the mountain, the only one it does not work is the one claiming that the others are wrong ;
9) Specialisation is for insects;
10) to assume, wil make an ass of You and Me > Ask questions listen answers;
11) Serendipity DOES reward Endeavour.;
12) We did it, because we didn´t know it was impossible ;
13) If you are not the lead dog...the view never changes ;

Bonus Track: "You don't let the guy with the broom control how many elephants are in the parade"

¿Qué hacer cuando tocas fondo?

Siempre nos ha parecido de película esas cosas que a veces nos pasan, y que crees que lo que te ha pasado es lo peor que podía sucederle a alguien, hasta que te pasa algo aún peor.

A Culture Vulture serendipitously sailing uncharted waters in the Innovation archipielago. Swimming with sharks and dinning with Fine Young Cannibals and other BeachBoys downunder.
1): When in Rome, do as romans do ;
2) Let´s make it F4: Firm & Friendly & Fun & Functional;
3) K.I.S.S. Rule: Keep It Simple & Stupid ;
4) Emotions lead to motion, and motion brings emotions, ;
5) Trust people & (most of the times) they will demonstrate they deserve it.;
6) Treat everyone as you would like to be treated.;
7) when in doubt, smile.;
8) There are many ways to climb up the mountain, the only one it does not work is the one claiming that the others are wrong ;
9) Specialisation is for insects;
10) to assume, wil make an ass of You and Me > Ask questions listen answers;
11) Serendipity DOES reward Endeavour.;
12) We did it, because we didn´t know it was impossible ;
13) If you are not the lead dog...the view never changes ;
Bonus Track: "You don't let the guy with the broom control how many elephants are in the parade"