lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013

Objetivos Clave a tener en mente cuando pones el contador a cero. Idea original de Ignacio Villoch

A Culture Vulture serendipitously sailing uncharted waters in the Innovation archipielago. Swimming with sharks and dinning with Fine Young Cannibals and other BeachBoys downunder.

1): When in Rome, do as romans do ;
2) Let´s make it F4: Firm & Friendly & Fun & Functional;
3) K.I.S.S. Rule: Keep It Simple & Stupid ;
4) Emotions lead to motion, and motion brings emotions, ;
5) Trust people & (most of the times) they will demonstrate they deserve it.;
6) Treat everyone as you would like to be treated.;
7) when in doubt, smile.;
8) There are many ways to climb up the mountain, the only one it does not work is the one claiming that the others are wrong ;
9) Specialisation is for insects;
10) to assume, wil make an ass of You and Me > Ask questions listen answers;
11) Serendipity DOES reward Endeavour.;
12) We did it, because we didn´t know it was impossible ;
13) If you are not the lead dog...the view never changes ;

Bonus Track: "You don't let the guy with the broom control how many elephants are in the parade"

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